
His unorthodox training calls for cool runnings

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Eyes intently focused, a black wool cap pulled down over his head, Mike Pierce jogged in a steady rhythm. His rituals were typical for a distance runner -- until he passed pallets of frozen unbaked pies and sweet red pepper pesto and a thermometer whose red hand pointed to minus-2 degrees.

Pierce is training for the Antarctic Ultra-Marathon, a 62.1-mile race to be contested in December in perhaps the world’s harshest climate. There being few places in his hometown of Encinitas to simulate the conditions he will face, Pierce trains an average of two days a week in a commercial freezer tucked away in an industrial park near the 805 Freeway.

For the record:

12:00 a.m. Oct. 26, 2006 For The Record
Los Angeles Times Thursday October 26, 2006 Home Edition Main News Part A Page 2 National Desk 1 inches; 35 words Type of Material: Correction
Ultra-marathon: A photo caption with Helene Elliott’s column in Sports on Wednesday said the commercial freezer in which Michael Pierce is training for the Antarctica Ultra-Marathon is in Encinitas. The freezer is in San Diego.

Behind a heavy sliding door and a fringed plastic curtain designed to keep cold in and balmy air out, Pierce ran from end to end Tuesday, skirting boxes of pastries and microwaveable dinners on the shelves and floor. He calculated that he must run up and back 44 times to cover a mile. He was training in a larger freezer until its roof caved in, forcing him to move to Freezer Box 10 and wedge his exercise bike in a narrow aisle between pallets of ice cream bars and boxes of seafood.


“Ever since I’ve been in here, improvise is my middle name,” Pierce said cheerfully, oblivious to the snow crystals on his cap. “Stuff gets shifted around in here. This is somebody’s business and I’m not going to disrupt that.”

Yes, the 42-year-old motivational speaker said, he is asked nearly every day if he’s crazy. He said that his wife, Angela, laughed in disbelief when he formulated plans to run in the first Antarctic marathon last January, aware that he had long been fascinated with the region but sure he’d never do more than talk about going there.

When he began training in the freezer, she knew he was serious.

“For her it was really difficult at first,” he said. “Because to Angela, adventure means disaster because she had a rock-climbing accident in college, a real serious one, and she’s disabled permanently. So she thought I was going to die. She was crying.


“But when she got through that and realized this wasn’t going to be life-threatening, she became the biggest supporter of anybody. She’s a trouper.”

Pierce spent $20,000 on travel and training to run in Antarctica in January on a course within the Antarctic Circle and at 3,000 feet elevation. Pierce, who before that hadn’t run a full marathon on dry land in 21 years, finished last among nine runners with a time of 7 hours 10 minutes 50 seconds, or about five hours slower than an elite dry-land marathon runner.

Only one man, Richard Donovan of Ireland, tackled the ultra-marathon distance, finishing in 15:43:55. Pierce skipped the ultra-marathon but ran the marathon course again the next day, this time by himself, to drink in the isolation and vastness of his surroundings.


Running in the freezer and reading more than 100 books about Antarctica and those who had explored it did not fully prepare him for its beauty. Temperatures during his stay ranged from 10 below zero to 10 above, he said, and he was well-prepared with layers of clothing, a type of ski mask known as a balaclava, and insulated trail-running shoes that contained a heating pad in the insole. Duofold, a company that makes outdoor-performance clothing, is sponsoring his current effort.

“After looking at pallets full of chickens and pizzas for hours, when you get to the Antarctic, where it’s picturesque beyond description, it really was much easier running the race than training,” he said.

“The reason I went was not because that’s where the next great marathon was, but because I wanted an experience that would relate to what those guys went through 100 years ago, physically, emotionally, mentally. It’s a challenge by today’s standards but not like what those guys went through 100 years ago.

“I wanted to struggle. I wanted to feel it and taste it, and that’s why I ran the second marathon.”

The unpredictable weather stranded him and his group for several days at the foothills of the Ellsworth Mountains. Winds had to subside below 20 knots, or 23 mph, before a plane was permitted to land and pick them up.

“I loved it so much I didn’t want to leave it,” Pierce said. “I got back to the base camp and it felt like the ride was ending, like the roller coaster was coming into the station and you had to get off.”


He can’t wait for his next turn. Although he has never run an ultramarathon or half that distance, he vowed to finish the December race “even if I have to crawl.”

He added: “Most people measure their success in a race by their time or how many people they beat, and in this race, it’s about finishing, regardless of place. I don’t care if it takes a day. I don’t care if it takes two days. If I start and finish, I’m a gold-medal winner.”

After that, his next challenge will be to repay his wife of 17 years for her support.

“I owe her the vacation of a lifetime,” he said, laughing.

Presumably someplace warm.
