
Seeking justice, blind


Re “How lawyer navigates sea of secrecy in bizarre case,” Aug. 15

The obstacles imposed on Oakland attorney Jon Eisenberg in pursuing his case representing Al-Haramain Islamic Foundation against the government reminds me of the dice game in “Guys and Dolls,” when Big Jule insisted on shooting craps with his own dice, which have no dots. Big Jule placates the players by reassuring them that “I remember where dey formerly was.” Guess who always wins?

Our government appears to have adopted the same tactic -- it holds all the information, dictates all the procedures and justifies the denial of due process on grounds of national security. This administration is rapidly and relentlessly protecting us out of all of our national values, not to mention the clear provisions of the Constitution. Can we afford to wait out the imperial presidency that has so profoundly damaged our democracy?

Barbara Bergen

Los Angeles
