
Single-payer healthcare backed


Re “Legislation, stat,” editorial, Aug. 18

I agree with your editorial that the Legislature needs to pass healthcare reform for Californians. You noted that eight workshops statewide were held for 3,500 people, without noting that they were sponsored by insurance companies. However, The Times ignored the thousands of people who attended the Health Care for All rally at the Los Angeles City Hall on Aug. 11. Ignored were the multitude of civic, medical and labor organizations that showed their support for single-payer healthcare. This is a failure of The Times’ duty to report all points of view.

Lloyd A. Dent

Studio City


The only solution to the healthcare crisis is a single-payer plan such as Senate Bill 840. Every other developed nation on Earth turned to single-payer long ago because it covers everyone for everything for life and saves money. That’s right -- it would cost less for families, businesses and the state because 25% more of every premium dollar would pay for actual healthcare.

Don Schroeder

North Hollywood
