
Payment for parenthood


Re “Mercenary motherhood,” Opinion, Oct.16

As an advocate for relative caregivers and as someone raising two grandchildren, I could not agree more with Mary Callahan. Relative caregivers should receive at least the same public resources as foster parents do, but instead, thousands are struggling to keep their families together. It shouldn’t be this way. Studies show that children do better when allowed to stay in their community with their relatives. They’re more likely to stay in school and out of jail. So if we do a better job, why are we the ones being punished?

Debra Lee

South Los Angeles

Foster parents are not paid to be parents. A mere $600 a month does not come close to meeting the true costs of raising a child. Foster parents -- wonderful individuals who care for the most neglected children in L.A. County -- must go through rigorous training and background checks, meet state licensing requirements, child-proof their homes and put up with constant visits from social workers who check up on the child’s welfare. Foster parents are true heroes and are not paid parents at all. Is it not reasonable and responsible for the state and counties to help pay financially for the tremendous emotional outpouring from dedicated, loving foster parents?

Sil Orlando

Executive director

Optimist Youth Homes

& Family Services

Los Angeles
