
The children come last


Re “Finally, a foster care fix,” Opinion, July 25

Miriam Aroni Krinsky’s thesis seems based on the same old formula of “throw more money at the problem.” To sell this program, some decorations are added, such as unknown court reforms. There is no thinking outside the box.

Our foster care programs have failed. A day seldom passes in which abuses are not reported in gory detail. A 19-year-old boy once came to my office seeking advice. He had spent more than five years laboring in a lemon grove. He had no education, never saw a social worker, was never paid and finally escaped. He was unaware that the rancher was required to feed and clothe him in a reasonable fashion.

I went to grammar school with kids from a local orphanage who received some real guidance, training, counseling and care after leaving the facility.


Has anyone given thought to returning to the old, successful system? It seems not. Just hire more social workers who are adept at completing forms, drawing a salary and ignoring the youngsters they serve.

Bruce M. Stark

Seal Beach
