
Taco trucks: Yum or yuck?

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Re “Tasty meals on wheels,” editorial, May 2

Thank you for your editorial on the “Save Our Taco Trucks” campaign. These trucks are inspected by the Los Angeles County Health Department, pay taxes and employ hardworking entrepreneurs. Their hours and pricing fill a social and commercial void left by traditional restaurants.

Improving neighborhoods in East Los Angeles is a noble goal, but referring to the punitive county ordinance as a successful step toward cleaning up the neighborhood smacks of classism. The Los Angeles County Board of Supervisors would be wise to recall that Raul O. Martinez founded King Taco from a converted ice-cream truck. We implore the supervisors to focus their legislative power on the root causes of blight and away from criminalizing small-business owners. The supervisors are welcome to come to Highland Park to share a few tacos and discuss a fair compromise over the hood of a car.

Chris Rutherford

Aaron Sonderleiter

Highland Park

The writers are founders of

On behalf of the East Los Angeles Chamber of Commerce, thank you, supervisors, for taking action to protect the heath and safety of our residents and promote the economic development of our community.


We are the voice of businesses that pay taxes and obey the laws; we want the same protections other communities provide. Why should it be all right to park in front of my business or house so vending truck customers can drop trash, raise the noise level and take up my parking? Should a taco truck have the right to sit in one spot on a street all night?

We invite these vendors to come into our community, pay the licensing fees and, most important, pay rent to set up shop and do business. If they choose to keep violating the law, we will urge the district attorney to bring on even steeper penalties.

Eddie Torres


East Los Angeles Chamber

of Commerce

Los Angeles

I agree that taco trucks provide an affordable meal. However, as mobile units, they best provide affordable meals at a specific time and place -- construction sites, industrial parking lots or special events.


Instead, they are all-day fixtures in the neighborhood. I now have to deal with grease stains on the street, trash on the sidewalks, generators running late into the night and extra traffic.

As a homeowner in East Los Angeles, I support the new ordinance. I spend a lot of time and effort trying to keep my home and neighborhood clean. Why can’t I expect the same clean and safe streets as residents of other cities?

Omar Loya

East Los Angeles
