


Re “With Chin Up, Head Held High,” by Robert Lloyd, May 30: There was one thing missing from Jay Leno’s last week on “The Tonight Show”: a retrospective package showing all the performers who got their start on his watch. That’s because Leno rarely gave young talent a chance to shine on his show like Johnny [Carson] did. He was so insecure, there weren’t even any guest hosts.

Sure, he leaves the show with top ratings, but somehow Leno managed to take a fizzy cocktail of a late-night show and turn it into flat beer.

Stan Evans

Valley Village


I watched Jay Leno every night. Wanted to give Conan [O’Brien] a try. Monday: turned him off after 15 minutes. Tuesday: turned him off after five minutes. Wednesday: tried David Letterman, not bad; will try him again Thursday.


If he doesn’t work out, I will just go to bed earlier.

Bye-bye, NBC “Tonight Show.”

Robert Dean

Thousand Oaks
