
Checking the negatives


Please do something about Bill Plaschke’s writing style. In these tough times, he does nothing but write negative pieces about our home teams (i.e. UCLA’s tournament chances). People are excited to see how far the Bruins can go, even dream about another Final Four run, but Bill the Boob decides to bring us all down.

When the Bruins beat Villanova, maybe Bill will have something nice to say, but I am not holding my breath.

Jonathan Braun

Los Angeles

I’ll take “Plaschke Predictions for $200,” Alex.

What is, “USC will win the whole thing”?

Tanya Holmberg

Sherman Oaks


Congratulations to the USC Trojans for winning the Pac-10 tournament and making the big dance. This win obviously validates Tim Floyd’s “Trojan way” to build a program: hire “coaches” to successfully recruit their sons and not have their scholarships count against the maximum, recruit and award a scholarship to a rap star with marginal walk-on talent to get a star player who is part of his “posse,” and allow a known agent rep unlimited access to your program because he delivered a high school star to your door.


These are just the things we know about in the past two seasons. Nice work, Tim. Cheat on!

Steve Rosenberg

Westlake Village


Now that March Madness is underway, let me get this off my chest.

Over the years, the TV coverage has become increasingly overburdened by advertising and is now unwatchable.

CBS, you can do business as usual leading up to the championship game, but how about giving that one back to the fans?

Treat it like golf’s Masters:

Keep commercial breaks to a bare minimum, both in frequency and in length.

Cut the level of commentary at least in half.

Eliminate all in-game plugs, whether digital or verbal.

The result would be a brisk, drama-filled two hours, which for me would bring back the magic.

Anthony J. Moretti

