
She loves you, Yeah, Yeah Yeahs


By all means, talk about: the new Yeah Yeah Yeahs album.

The alt-rock trio began writing its third album, “It’s Blitz,” in the middle of a snowstorm, in a hundred-year-old barn in rural Massachusetts. Nick Zinner brought along a synthesizer he bought on eBay. Karen O channeled a kitten named Squealer. Add drummer Brian Chase, we’ve got a disco powerhouse. Yes. (Tuesday)


It’s not wrong to want to talk about: “Real Housewives of New York City” and “90210.”

The ladies on both shows have reached their limit! This week on “Housewives,” expect a full-blown diva duel between Kelly and Bethenny, and when “90210” returns from its monthlong break, expect Silver to go Emily Valentine on us. I know -- finally, right? (Tuesday)


Baseball season’s just a week away. In the meantime, talk up: “Sugar.”

The writer-director team behind “Half Nelson” put their spin on the conventional sports movie in the story of a Dominican pitcher from San Pedro de Macoris struggling to make it in the big leagues to help pull himself and his family out of poverty. Reviewers at Sundance ’08 raved. (Friday)



Want just a little more from 140 characters? Talk about: Paul Feig.

Or rather, follow @paulfeig on Twitter and participate in the “The Office” writer’s occasional word-limited challenges. He recently asked for submissions for one-tweet plays, or as he calls them, “tweeaters.” His own: “He: 2+2=4. She: Wrong. He: Um . . . 5? She: Nope. 4. He: Let’s get married. She: We’ll see.” (Available now)


If you’ve been able to keep up, talk about: “Damages.”

The season finale is upon us, and there’s no shame in studying up for the big night, what with this season’s dizzying number of characters and interconnecting story lines. (Why is Katie back? Tom’s purpose is? Michael’s dating an older woman because . . . ?) I’ve got a bad feeling all will be revealed -- next season. (Wednesday)


Want to talk about: “Gigantic”?

Still unsure over here. The offbeat comedy revolves around a mattress store worker (Paul Dano) who wants to adopt a Chinese baby and Happy (Zooey Deschanel), the hot, quirky girl he falls for. Appealing in some ways, could cause hives in others.


-- Denise Martin
