
Web Buzz: lists the world’s best walks

Special to the Los AngelesTimes lists the world’s best walks, as chosen by passionate walker William Mackesy.

What’s hot: “The World’s 100 Best Walks” roster is a must-read, whether you love to hike or are simply curious about treks in a country you’re planning to visit. Britain-based Mackesy has an intricate rating system that you’ll find under “walks grading.” Don’t be surprised if a well-known trail is not on the list; beautiful views do not guarantee a spot. The site includes a difficulty grading, a note about whether a walk can be tackled in a day; and a great tool on the homepage (upper right corner) that enables you to search for a walk by continent, country or keyword.

What’s not: Some walks come with a wealth of travel information, recommended reading lists and photo galleries; others do not. And there’s nothing to indicate which of the walks do or don’t.
