
Sarah Palin emails: ‘First Dude’ email spurred action on fishing regulation

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Todd Palin, better known as the First Dude, played a particularly influential role in the administration. At times, his personal business concerns appeared to shape Sarah Palin’s official agenda.

Todd Palin sent his wife an email to her personal account July 4, 2008, complaining that the Peter Pan Seafood operation that he provided with salmon out of the Bristol Bay was “plugged up” -- meaning that the processor was at capacity and couldn’t handle any more fish. “Way to [sic] early to be on limits,” he wrote. “Just venting.”

The governor forwarded his email to acting chief of staff Michael Nizich, writing: “This will have to be another mission we get on.”


RELATED: Read the Palin emails

A few days later, Cora Crome, Palin’s fisheries policy advisor, sent a long note to Palin and Nizich updating them on the state of salmon production at Bristol Bay.

“I have made it clear that we are disappointed with the way production is going in the bay and asked that they do everything in their power to increase production and lift limits as soon as possible,” wrote Crome, who added that she had the regional supervisor from the Department of Fish and Game “applying pressure to processors.” She noted that she was also trying to expedite the permitting process for a floating processor.


“Thank you,” Palin responded. “It’s very, very disappointing that they left the fishermen high and dry again. We have got to allow more competition in our fisheries.”


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