
Romney cancels Virginia events

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PENSACOLA, Fla. — Mitt Romney’s campaign canceled two more Virginia events Sunday because of the massive storm heading to the region.

“It’s a cautionary move to ensure resources wouldn’t be diverted due to the impending hurricane,” said spokesman Rick Gorka, who said the campaign had been in contact with Gov. Bob McDonnell’s staff about the matter.

Romney had been scheduled to hold three events in Virginia, but on Friday canceled one. Under the schedule released Saturday, all three were canceled and Romney will now return to Ohio on Sunday morning to campaign with running mate Paul Ryan at events in Celina and Findlay before holding an evening rally in Marion.


Both candidates were running up against the power of Hurricane Sandy, which was rumbling off the Atlantic Coast with landfall expected early next week.

The White House said Saturday that Obama had talked during the morning with Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano, federal emergency chief Craig Fugate, the head of the National Hurricane Center and others.

On Friday, Obama aides announced that he would leave Washington for Florida earlier than planned to avoid storm complications. No additional changes to the president’s schedule were announced Sunday, but White House spokesman Josh Earnest said Obama would continue to stay abreast of developments.


“This an example yet again of the president having to put his responsibilities as commander-in-chief and leader of the country first while at the same time he pursues his responsibilities as a candidate for reelection,” Earnest said.

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