
From the Publisher: Austin Beutner: Changing the way we do Business

Publisher and CEO Austin Beutner says the Los Angeles Times will provide reinvigorated coverage in the Business section.

Publisher and CEO Austin Beutner says the Los Angeles Times will provide reinvigorated coverage in the Business section.

(Mel Melcon / Los Angeles Times)

Dear Readers,

If California were a country, our economy would rank among the top 10 in the world. It is a diverse economy that has continually reinvented itself, making California over its history a global leader in gold mining, oil, movies, aerospace, agriculture, technology, medicine and other industries.

In recent months, The Times has rededicated itself to serving as the authentic voice of our community. Our relaunched California section has gone in depth to explore issues ranging from new LAPD crime-fighting strategies to the effects of the drought on communities throughout the state.

Beginning today, The Times is reinvigorating our coverage of California business. Our mission: to chronicle what is happening in the Los Angeles and California economies and their role in national and international markets. We will bring you the business news of the day and explain what it means.

We will take you inside the big companies of today and start-ups that could be the big companies of tomorrow. We will introduce you to innovators and entrepreneurs, movers and shakers, workers and executives, winners and losers.

The reimagined Business section will include a new feature called Cutting Edge, spotlighting innovation; The Agenda, a weekly report highlighting issues in California's economy; a technology column and gadget review; a regular Q&A on California economic trends and trendsetters; expanded coverage of residential real estate in our Hot Property report; and a California Inc. email newsletter that will alert you to important business news in the week ahead and to stories that should be on your radar.

And there is more to come. The Times is expanding our Pulitzer Prize-winning coverage of the drought and water issues in the West with a new digital report, Water and Power. We will soon launch a digital magazine, #EmergingUS, led by prizewinning journalist and author Jose Antonio Vargas that will examine the evolving American identity in the 21st century. And if you haven't already seen it, check out the new Counter Intelligence weekly newsletter by renowned food critic Jonathan Gold.

We're changing the way we do Business. As a loyal reader, you'll see how the story begins here at the Los Angeles Times. 


Austin Beutner

Publisher and CEO, Los Angeles Times
