
Top 5 best and worst California cities for unemployment

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California’s economic recovery has been a study in contrasts. Overall, the state’s unemployment rate fell to 8.5% in June, according to figures released Thursday by the state’s Employment Development Department.

That’s down from 10.6% in June 2012, the steepest decline by any state during that time period.

Still, some regions of the state have double-digit unemployment rates. Among the top five worst cities for unemployment, Mendota in Fresno County and Westmorland in Imperial County tied for the highest rates, at 33.9%. Fresno County has a dubious distinction in this analysis: In addition to Mendota, two other cities from this county fell in the top five worst cities for unemployment.


Below is an interactive map of the state that shows the various cities. The green markers represent the cities with the lowest jobless rates; the red markers indicate the highest.

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Fresno County’s misfortune is no surprise considering the Central Valley was hit especially hard by the economic recession, and it’s still far from recovered.


By comparison, the top 5 lowest unemployment rates are held by cities on the state’s coast. At 1.4%, Carmel-by-the-Sea, simply called Carmel by most, this town’s economy is humming. The largest city in the top 5 best is Clayton, a suburban city in Contra Costa County.


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