Whitney Port, a supporting character on “The Hills,” has a reality spinoff of a reality spinoff. A graduate of Crossroads School (just like “Hills” costar Spencer Pratt), she has, like Rhoda Morgenstern before her, been moved to New York City. Designer Diane von Furstenberg has lent her name as Whitney’s employer and the show is called “The City.” The first two episodes air Monday on MTV.
“On ‘The Hills,’ we had a joke that no one has sex and no one gets hurt really,” said Kelly Cutrone, the New York fashion publicist who hired Whitney when she first came to New York. On that show, Whitney didn’t share much of her personal life because her boyfriend refused to be filmed.
Now he’s (allegedly!) gone and, from what we can tell, troublesome boys are swarming young Whitney. For instance, why is her on-camera boyfriend, Australian rocker Jay Lyon, eerily identical to one Brent Tuhtan -- who (allegedly!) dates, or dated, model Miranda Kerr?
Well, this is New York City, where people get really hurt every day, where the quest for fame is a full-contact sport.
“Who do you trust? Who are your friends? She had a safety net in Los Angeles,” said “Hills” and “City” creator Adam Divello. “Now there’s no family -- there’s no one.”
Lotsa luck, Whitney!
-- Choire Sicha (Scott Gries / Getty Images)