
Destination: Cocktail

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Thank goodness for winter citrus. There’s nothing like the pleasingly tart sting of ruby red grapefruit juice to remind you of sunnier times. Alexander Liberman, the bar manager of Santa Monica’s Ma’Kai Restaurant and Lounge and the Association in downtown L.A., has been whipping up a variety of cocktails using fresh-squeezed grapefruit juice, including an herbalicious little number called Rose Gold, featuring an upbeat mix of cheery Yellow Chartreuse, orange bitters, vodka and elderflower liqueur.


Rose Gold by Alexander Liberman

11/2 ounces Russian Standard vodka

1/2 ounce St. Germain elderflower liqueur

1/4 ounce Yellow Chartreuse

1 ounce fresh-squeezed ruby red grapefruit juice

2 dashes Regan’s Orange Bitters No. 6

Combine ingredients in a mixing glass, add ice and shake. Strain into a large, stemmed cocktail glass. Garnish with three brandied cherries.


Ma’Kai Restaurant and Lounge, 101 Broadway, Santa Monica. (310) 434-1511; The Association, 110 E. 6th St., L.A., (213) 627-7385;


— Jessica Gelt
