
Catching up with ‘Maggie’s Plan’

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Don’t make the mistake I almost did. Don’t neglect seeing Rebecca Miller’s deft “Maggie’s Plan.”

An unclassifiable blend of screwball comedy and relationship drama, “Maggie’s Plan” slipped through the cracks of my Los Angeles viewing life, and I only caught up with it on a vacation trip to Paris because (full disclosure) it was playing near my hotel.

Maggie, skillfully played by Greta Gerwig, plans to find a sperm donor and have a baby without the mess of a relationship. But then she falls in love with John (Ethan Hawke, at his best), a whiz at ficto-anthropology (don’t ask). Only John is married to fellow academic Georgette, an icy Dane (Julianne Moore at her funniest). And that is the merest beginning. If you’re tired of movie business as usual, this should make you happy.



“Maggie’s Plan.” MPAA rating: R, for language and brief sexuality. Running time: 1 hour, 38 minutes. In limited release.
