
Watch Nancy Pelosi tell Jimmy Kimmel she’s ‘done’ talking about Trump

Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi on “Jimmy Kimmel Live” on Thursday.
(ABC / YouTube)
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Nancy Pelosi is on a path and she’ll get there when she gets there — and nothing Jimmy Kimmel says is going to hasten her trip down that path.

That was the takeaway from the Democratic Speaker of the House’s appearance on “Jimmy Kimmel Live” on Thursday night.

Kimmel was talking impeachment nearly nonstop during the first part of Pelosi’s sit-down, which came in the wake of Robert S. Mueller III’s news conference Wednesday.


“We haven’t had a chance to see the Mueller report,” said Kimmel, referencing the 448-page document that’s available free online and also through booksellers. (Presumably, he meant the unredacted report, which includes classified materials, grand-jury evidence, information about ongoing investigations and details that could infringe on the privacy and damage the reputation of peripheral third parties.)

Pelosi’s refrain was unshakable: “When we go through with our case, it’s got to be iron-clad,” she said in various incarnations.


Kimmel was concerned about impeachment further dividing the country.

“We would hope the best for our country,” Pelosi replied. “This is a country whose heart is full of love. The American people are so good. We have our differences; we have to be respectful of that and again try to unify, not divide, in what we do.

“But I do think as we go down this path, the American people will know the truth and the president will be held accountable,” she continued. “But you have to go down that path when you’re as ready as you can possibly be, and you don’t know that until you go down the path.”

When Kimmel asked if President Trump’s loose relationship with the truth was a problem for Pelosi, she said she thinks the American people are “on” to the president, whose actual name she didn’t utter.


“Oh, no, they’re not,” said Kimmel. “They’re not.”

“His 39%, or let’s give him 40%, for some reason he connects with them,” Pelosi replied. “But overwhelmingly the country is on to him. Myself, I’m done with him, in terms of talking about him. What we want to talk about is, let’s build the infrastructure of America, and not have him stomp out of the room.”

Kimmel suggested bringing McNuggets to the next infrastructure meeting.

Pelosi did promise one thing, however: The House would be ready to go down its path before the year 2020.

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