
Starbucks drinks have more sugar than 7 donuts

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The Daily Meal

Get ready to do a spit take. In today’s daily episode of “How much sugar is in that drink?!” Starbucks has officially been called out for stuffing more sugar into one coffee drink than can fit in seven large frosted doughnuts. A grande-sized Gingerbread Frappuccino, their latest seasonal delight, contains 68.5 grams of sugar when ordered with the default whole milk and whipped cream.

That’s nearly enough sugar to fit in two cans of regular soda. Or nearly 20 Oreo cookies. Or, most horrifyingly, seven of McDonald’s chocolate doughnuts. It’s a dentist’s worst nightmare.

This monstrous dessert disguised as a casual coffee is par for the course at Starbucks - it’s not the first menu item that has diabetics cowering. In case you thought it was only the saccharine Frappuccino that was at fault, think again: A venti Eggnog Latte has 56.3 grams of sugar. A grande Brown Sugar Shortbread Latte has 53. A grande Iced Peppermint White Chocolate Mocha contains a horrifying 68 grams of blood sugar-spiking potential.

Today’s dietary guidelines recommend eating fewer than 30 grams of added sugar per day. The syrupy excess being sold by Starbucks is appalling to scientists abroad. The British Dental Association, for example, said, “It’s alarming you can hit the maximum daily dose in just one cup.”


Starbucks denies the allegations that their sugar content is callous - they’ve actually decreased the sugar in their drinks by a third since 2014. The chain also adds that customers have full liberty to cut down the calories in their order by making specific order requests.

Not everything you order at the chain is terrible for you, though. Starbucks coffee shops have begun featuring healthier food and snack options and greater nutrition transparency. With the calorie and sugar information published online, consumers can now know for sure which items are the healthiest and unhealthiest drinks at Starbucks.
