
The weirdest regional slang across America

Mixed race friends having fun at the beach. Group of happy young people sitting together at the beach talking and drinking beers.
(jacoblund / Getty Images/iStockphoto)
The Daily Meal

America is a massive, eclectic country. Because of this, cultures vary greatly from region to region and state to state. This regional diversity not only means different signature dishes, etiquette practices, and holiday traditions - it also means that people speak differently. No, we’re not talking about accents. We’re talking about regional slang, youse guys.

For the Weirdest Regional Slang Across America Gallery, click here.

From frappes in Massachusetts to bubblers in Wisconsin to the hella crazy West Coast, you’ll find baffling, peculiar regional slang all across the United States. Unless, of course, you’re from a region where that bit of grass between the sidewalk and the street is referred to as a devil strip. Then, these particular phrases are completely and totally normal.


So don’t be worried when someone in New Orleans asks you to wrench your hands. They’re just asking you to perform basic hygiene. For this, banana belts, leaf peepers and more, check out 20 of the weirdest regional slang terms across America.

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