
‘Drunkorexia’: Resources for addressing a problem

Resources for those who need help with food or alcohol issues.
(Tristan Fewings / Getty Images)

Need help with your food or alcohol issues? Here are a few ideas about getting help:

Alcoholics Anonymous, Central Office in Los Angeles: (323) 936-4343,

Overeaters Anonymous Meeting Hotline in Los Angeles: (323) 653-7499,

If you go the counseling route, consider finding a certified alcohol and drug counselor (CADC) or certified addictions treatment counselor (CATC). Both specialize in working with substance abuse, though some may treat people with food addictions.


UCLA Mindfulness Awareness Research Center offers classes and workshops dealing with emotions and meditation-based therapy. (310) 206-7503

UCLA Addiction Medicine Clinic offers a range of addiction treatments. (310) 825-9989

UCLA Center for Human Nutrition. (310) 206-1987
