
Good Form: A side stretch for the back

Good Form

Balancing muscular strength is an important aspect of strength training. When it comes to working your back, try this safe and effective exercise to isolate and strengthen each side of your back independently.

Lie face-down on a flat, padded surface. Straighten your legs behind you with your inner ankles facing each other. Toes should stay on the floor. Place your hands under your chin with your elbows bent and pointed out to the sides at shoulder level.

On an exhalation, lift your head, left shoulder and left side of your chest off the floor as you slowly rotate to the left and straighten your left arm. Be sure to keep the front of your hips flat on the floor with your buttocks relaxed. Look toward the fingers of your left arm. Pause for two seconds, then come back to the center and switch sides. Continue to alternate sides until you have completed six twists on each side. Relax, and release your back by bending your knees and sitting back with your hips on your heels and arms by your feet in “child’s pose.”


Voight is the creator of a line of fitness DVDs, including “Full Body Stretch” and “Ballet BodySculpt.”
