
Paul Ryan visits Wisconsin delegates, convention hall pre-speech


TAMPA, Fla. -- Just a few hours before Paul Ryan was to deliver his prime-time speech as the GOPvice presidential nominee, he met with fellow “cheeseheads” at a Wisconsin delegation event.

“We just wanted to come by to say hi,” Ryan told the audience as he took the stage with his wife, Janna. “We could smell the brats down the street.”

A live polka band had been playing at the “Beer and Brats,” according to the pool report, and Jimmy John’s sandwiches and other foods were available at the celebration of all things Wisconsin as the delegates welcomed a favorite son.


PHOTOS: Paul Ryan’s past

Ryan also checked out the convention hall where he would be giving his address -- and essentially introducing himself to the nation.

The budget wonk faces the challenge of providing Americans with the details of his budget blueprint, but not wading too deeply into the weeds. He is by nature upbeat, and will seek to convey that balance of energy and depth.

Ryan spotted the “debt countdown clock” in the hall -- two of them, actually, which are features of the Republican convention as the party focuses attention on the economic issues important to voters.

“Where is the debt clock?” Ryan asked. “Oh, it’s up there.”

After some time at the podium with his wife and three small children, he and the family practiced their waves and left the stage.

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