
Newsletter: Essential California: Santa Cruz mothers brought together by tragedy

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Good morning. It is Monday, Aug. 3. Dr. Dre is releasing his first new album in 15 years. The musician said he was inspired by the film “Straight Outta Compton,” which tells the story of his rise to fame with N.W.A. Here's what is happening in the Golden State:


Massive fire

A fire in Northern California that has burned 47,000 acres is also threatening more than 6,000 structures in Lake, Yolo and Colusa counties. The Rocky fire prompted the evacuation of more than 12,000 people. " 'Dry thunderstorms' -- lightning and wind with very little rain -- are the main cause of roughly two dozen large blazes that have led to one firefighter's death and prompted Gov. Jerry Brown to declare a state of emergency.”  Los Angeles Times

Medical mystery

How did a superbug spread to patients at UCLA Medical Center? That was the mystery doctors had to uncover after eight patients became deathly ill. The culprit was a medical scope, even though the device had been cleaned to the manufacturer’s instructions. It turned out to be a problem that went beyond UCLA. Los Angeles Times

Private education

Some of Los Angeles’ most expensive neighborhoods are up in arms over proposed construction plans at private schools in their areas. Residents say these projects will worsen traffic and change the nature of their communities. On Tuesday, the Archer School for Girls in Brentwood is expected to win city approval on a $100-million expansion. Disgruntled neighbors say if that happens, they’ll sue the city. Los Angeles Times


Politics of water: The drought could have a trickle-down effect for some of California’s politicians, writes columnist Cathleen Decker. A new poll from the Public Policy Institute of California found “nearly two-thirds of Californians wanted the state to set its own climate change policy and not leave it to the federal government, a view shared by Brown, a Democrat, and his predecessor, Republican Arnold Schwarzenegger, both of whom have pushed California to be ahead of the pack,” she writes. Los Angeles Times

What’s for dinner: Drought-tolerant landscaping is getting in the way of some diners’ dinners in Montrose. The decomposed granite that took the place of grass is ending up on plates every time the wind blows. “I have to keep giving my customers new plates of food,” said the owner of Montrose Bakery & Cafe. Los Angeles Times

Business opportunity: A breakdown of the drought’s winners and losers … in business. CNBC


Festival deaths: Two women died of suspected drug overdoses after collapsing at the Hard Summer music festival in Pomona last weekend. “The deaths come amid growing scrutiny of drug use at these types of music events and whether officials should be doing more to prevent it.” Los Angeles Times

New drug: Synthetic marijuana is taking hold on skid row. The drug is closer to PCP or LSD than weed, and can make users behave erratically. “The agitation, the hallucinations, the paranoia, you add those three things together and you're going to have an MMA brawl, a free-for-all,” said Officer Deon Joseph. Vice

Tech leaders: In L.A., there are 10 up-and-coming innovators to keep an eye on. “They're quietly transforming local tech with fresh ideas in virtual reality, robotics, online videos, e-commerce, investing -- even eating.” Los Angeles Times

On the ground: One writer captures what it is like to be living in South L.A. when the LAPD goes on tactical alert and social media lights up with #100Days100Nights. “It leaves a nasty taste in my mouth when I find myself engaging in the same prejudices as the cops who terrorize the black bodies they encounter simply existing. But, the hashtags told me to be cautious of my own,” writes Tiffany Hobbs. Gawker

Cheering section: As Special Olympics athletes finished their games and races, they looked out at the crowds to see not just their friends and families but organized volunteer cheerleaders. Los Angeles Times

Koreatown snapshot: A Q&A with the executive director of the Koreatown Immigrant Workers Alliance. On the subject of Korean business owners employing Latino workers: “It is not about a worker's or employer's ethnicity, nationality, or race -- it's about respect and fairness. If an employer does not discriminate and respects labor laws, no embers, no tinder box.” Los Angeles Times


Fundraising rules: L.A. Mayor Eric Garcetti, chair of the Metro board, recused himself from 56 votes last year because each instance involved someone who had donated to his campaign. Metro has one of the strictest financial policies in the state. For ethics experts, the question is whether that’s a sign the system is working, because politicians are avoiding conflicts, or whether it’s not working because officials are forced to miss votes on major financial decisions. Los Angeles Times

DWP vs. dog: A confrontation between a utility employee and a dog sent the canine’s owner on a crusade to change the way the Department of Water and Power reads meters. Resident Steve Markoff created after a DWP employee used a wrench to strike his dog, Ralph. Ralph allegedly went after the employee, and it turns out this may be a dog with a past. Los Angeles Times


Fair use: When one watchdog in Inglewood used video from City Council meetings to embarrass the city’s mayor, he received a cease-and-desist letter. Now, the city is suing him, and legal experts are questioning the merits of the case. “It looks like the city is using taxpayers funds to try to insulate itself from criticism,” said Jessica Levinson, a clinical law professor at Loyola Law School. Los Angeles Times

More suicides: In the last 18 months, four women at the California Institution for Women in San Bernardino County have killed themselves. Though the prison has been praised for its mental health treatments, a court-appointed expert found it was lacking in suicide prevention. It’s the only women’s lockup in the state to have a suicide in the last five years. Associated Press

Mothers’ pain: It’s been a week since 8-year-old Madyson “Maddy” Jordan Middleton was killed, allegedly by a 15-year-old neighbor. Now, their mothers find themselves brought together by grief. “I just love her, and we both lost our children that day. That’s the tragic truth,” Laura Jordan said of Adrian Jerry Gonzalez’s mother. SF Gate


UC’s top paid: In the University of California system, there really isn't a competition between brains and brawn -- because muscle clearly wins. UC’s top athletic coaches are better paid than the system’s top brain surgeons. “This chart is not so much about efficient use of taxpayer dollars…. Instead, it’s about the state’s -- and our -- priorities, as reflected in who we choose to best reward financially.” Sacramento Bee


Game day traffic: Will the 405 Freeway sink the NFL’s return to the L.A. area? That’s the concern for some as Carson woos professional football. “If you build the stadium, the 405 is going to be a nightmare,” said David Pettit of the Natural Resources Defense Council. Orange County Register

Musical beginnings: The film “Straight Outta Compton” chronicles the rise of N.W.A, the South L.A. group that brought about gangsta rap. “Whether it was money, gangbanging, crack, LAPD and eventually AIDS -- everything in the world came down on this group. What did we combat all that with? We had music,” said Ice Cube. Los Angeles Times

New biopic: The trailer is out for a new documentary on Apple’s Steve Jobs. It’s from the same director who made HBO’s “Going Clear: Scientology and the Prison of Belief.” SFist


San Francisco is expected to start with low clouds and reach 68 degrees. Riverside will be mostly sunny and 95. In Los Angeles, there will be low clouds and 84 degrees. San Diego will have low clouds. It’s expected to reach a high of 78 degrees.


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