
For the record - May 25, 2014

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Supervisors race: A May 11 California section article about Los Angeles County supervisorial candidates’ views on the child welfare system reported that candidate Bobby Shriver was prepared for an interview with a briefing paper titled “What Social Workers Do.” After the article was published, Shriver’s campaign said it had no record of such a document and provided a copy of a paper titled “What Social Workers Won,” outlining recent changes to a collective bargaining contract.

World Cup: In the May 18 Sports section, a listing of soccer players who had never reached a World Cup final or won the championship in the May 18 Sports section contained two errors. It said that Arsenio Enrico of Paraguay was 15 years old when Uruguay finished ninth in the 1930 tournament. It was his country, Paraguay, that finished ninth in that tournament. The listing also said that David Beckham played a record 115 games for the English national team. Peter Shilton holds England’s record for games played with 125.

Brazil unrest: In the May 18 Section A, an article about labor protests in Brazil just weeks before the start of the World Cup soccer tournament said that the U.S. national soccer team was scheduled to play Germany on June 28. The game is scheduled for June 26.


Ethnic unrest in China: In the May 24 Section A, an article about rising tensions among ethnic groups in Urumqi, China, said that Urumqi has seen an influx in recent years of people from China’s west. The influx has come from the east.
