
For the record - March 8, 2011


“The Sonneteer”: The theater listings in the March 6 Arts & Books section said that the play “The Sonneteer” at the Davidson/Valentini Theatre in Hollywood would close March 6. The play has been extended to run weekends through April 3.

Movie box office: An article in the March 7 Calendar section about movie box office results said that “The Adjustment Bureau” grossed $21.5 million overseas over the weekend. It grossed $10.5 million overseas.

“He Loves Me”: The TV highlights in the March 7 Calendar section listed Edgar Lyall as a costar of the Lifetime television movie “He Loves Me.” Lyall does not appear in the film.


Chinese cinemas: A March 6 article in Section A about China’s fast-growing cinema industry said the movie “Avatar” was a Warner Bros. film. The movie was released by 20th Century Fox.
