
For the record - May 17, 2011


“Dracula”: The theater listings in the May 15 Arts & Books section said that the L.A. Theater Works production of “Dracula” would be directed by Michael Hackett. The piece is directed by Rosalind Ayres.

Exposition Park: In the May 16 Calendar section, a map of the Exposition Park area that accompanied an article about the development of that area showed the future Metro Expo Line running along Figueroa Street; the line will in fact run along Flower Street. The Jefferson/USC stop will be at Flower and Jefferson Boulevard, not Figueroa and Jefferson, as shown on the graphic. The Expo Park/USC stop will be on Exposition Boulevard at Trousdale Parkway, not at Exposition and Figueroa.

Steven Tyler: In the May 15 Image section, an article about Steven Tyler’s fashion sense said the rocker wears beetle boots. The correct term is Beatle boots.


Mental hospital safety: In the March 16 LATExtra section, an article about efforts to curb violence in state mental hospitals erred in stating that Atascadero State Hospital psychologist Henry Ahlstrom said excessive paperwork demands from a federal monitor had pulled staff away from direct care to focus on patient records. Many of the paperwork demands are not imposed directly by the monitor, who oversees federal reforms, but by state hospital administrators seeking to satisfy the monitor.

Sports commissioners: An article in the May 15 Sports section about the role of commissioners of major league sports said former Major League Baseball Commissioner Kenesaw Mountain Landis had left the game after fighting with owners. He died in 1944 while still commissioner.
