
Readers React: A California coastal commissioner comes down with ‘Trumpitis’


To the editor: Steve Lopez should understand how incredibly appealing his profile of California Coastal Commissioner Mark Vargas is. (“The Coastal Commission is learning the meaning of sorry-not sorry,” March 16)

Vargas is portrayed as bombastic, disrespectful, profane, thin-skinned and egotistical — all symptoms of “Trumpitis.” Vargas even participated in a “you’re fired” ambush of Charles Lester, the highly respected former executive director of the California Coastal Commission staff.

We live in a world of altered reality where millions of people have come to believe that wrong is right and day is night, and where people who hate Hillary Clinton may actually vote for her.


It appears to me that Vargas may have a fabulous future career opportunity as a politician. Should he run for president in 2020, he could campaign by proposing to build a wall just east of Pacific Coast Highway along the California coast to keep “them” out.

Jan Jay Judah, Torrance


To the editor: I hope Lopez keeps up his coverage of the Coastal Commission as well as the industry takeover of the South Coast Air Quality Management District. He is my hero for standing up for the people and our environment.

What’s going here in this state? And why has Gov. Jerry Brown, who has convinced voters that he is a champion of the environment, been quiet all this time?

I read in The Times a few months ago that Brown sits on a $24-million campaign war chest. Where did that money come from? And what does Brown, who cannot run for reelection, need that treasure chest full of money for anyway?

Something stinks, and it isn’t only the stench from the fracking in this state or the oil refineries that now won’t have to clean up their act thanks to the new air board.


Walter Dominguez, Los Angeles


To the editor: The Coastal Commission’s mission is “to protect, conserve, restore, and enhance the environment of the California coastline.” How is catering to rich real estate investors following this mission statement?

The California Constitution makes English the official language of the state. How is it that Vargas feels it is all right to use Spanish in a public meeting to the exclusion of our state language?

I think it is time for Atty. Gen. Kamala Harris’ office to investigate what seems like old-time political maneuvers.

Barbara Sabo, Hermosa Beach

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