
Readers React: Conservatives shouldn’t fret over college reading lists

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To the editor: I don’t have any problem with conservative groups advocating that incoming college freshmen read the classics and study theConstitution. (“Colleges reject charge that freshman reading lists have political bias,” Sept. 8)

But as a retired high school social sciences teacher, I can state that most first-year college students have already read several of these time-honored books and documents, and a course in American government is required in most, if not all, states.

What bothers me is that these same groups show disdain for many futuristic books that employ themes not consistent with conservative philosophies. College is an environment where students are exposed to old and new concepts, and new forms of literature seek to enhance this experience.


I’m wondering if there’s truth in a bumper sticker I saw the other day: “Welcome to the Republican Party. Please set your clocks back 100 years”?

Lynn Robert Fairbanks, Diamond Bar


To the editor: Great article, and very refreshing to read it in The Times. I bet you won’t find “Atlas Shrugged” or anything else by Ayn Rand on any of these college reading lists. Too bad; her books mirror today’s society.


And I think it’s a good idea for college students to focus on the Constitution. Most grads today can’t knowledgeably discuss that document.

Rick Kern, Incline Village, Nev.

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