
Letters: Edison’s task

Re “Don’t let Edison off the hook for its incompetence,” Column, Aug. 21

I am an Edison ratepayer and I operate a construction company in Edison territory. The only part of Michael Hiltzik’s column that does not delve into hyperbole is his statement that “the PUC would have to decide” the issue on the shared costs of shutting down San Onofre.

This is true because California law empowers the PUC as the arbiter to determine what is fair between ratepayers and a utility.

What is needed now is not shrill debate but a look at the law, precedent and an understanding of how electrical power is provided as a regulated commodity in California.


Anything else does a disservice to the important issues that decision makers must consider, issues that will affect how utilities invest in California’s power future.

Mike Rotolo
El Segundo

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