
Opinion: If a politician is civil and accomplished, why let them term-limit out?


To the editor: Sen. Mark Leno sounds like a real mensch and asset to state government.

Your article about his leaving public office because his term is ending is an obvious argument against term limits.

( “Popular across the aisle,” Aug. 29)

In order to get rid of some elected officials, an obviously-talented state senator is forced out of office. We need more people like Leno. Isn’t it time to get rid of term limits? If you don’t like someone, don’t vote for them.


I hope we’ll see him in Congress one of these days.

Randi Spiegel, Marina del Rey


To the editor: Thank you for the excellent article about state Sen. Mark Leno of San Francisco.

The thing I admire most about him is his courage to introduce and fight for single-payer healthcare reform in the California legislature.

He is a legislator with keen vision for the future.

Sylvia Hampton, San Diego

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