
Readers React: Give teachers higher pay — but take away tenure and remove ineffective educators

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To the editor: Teachers’ salaries should be raised. This must be in conjunction with the elimination of tenure and the adoption of trustworthy ways to measure student learning. There must be a reliable process to remove ineffective teachers from the classroom — even ones who have many years of experience. (“Kamala Harris to Call for Federal Spending to Raise Teacher Salaries,” March 23)

Tenure makes no sense for teachers. Also, if something is important, it should be measured, and the education of our children is vitally important. Measurement helps us to focus on positive and negative results, allowing sensible adjustments to be made.

Not all teachers are the same. Some accomplish great things, and some are marginal or even ineffective. We should encourage the great teachers by paying them well, and we should encourage the marginal teachers to strive to become great. Ineffective educators should be removed before they cause more harm.


Hal Bookbinder, Oak Park


To the editor: With her plan to increase teacher pay, Sen. Kamala Harris (D-Calif.) is leading in the race for my vote for president.

Historically one of the few professions open to women, public education has, in the past, enjoyed high-quality female teachers at well below market price. With increasing gender equality in the workplace, many of the best and brightest women have been siphoned off by more lucrative professions.


A well educated electorate is key to our country’s success. Teachers should be the highest-paid profession, not the lowest.

John Sherwood, Topanga

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