
Readers React: The morning after, Trump shows no real interest in serving anyone but his supporters

President Trump speaks about the midterm election during a news conference at the White House on Nov. 7.
President Trump speaks about the midterm election during a news conference at the White House on Nov. 7.
(Jim Watson / AFP/Getty Images)
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To the editor: I am still trying to digest the results of our split-screen midterm. There are two Americas — one primarily older, white and rural, and the other younger, diverse, coastal and concentrated in cities.

President Trump sees himself the big winner, as usual. His divisive rhetoric, his ability to influence and bring together millions with false promises and blatant lies, his encouraging us to fear the other — all these have failed to unify us, but they have made us even more polarized.

I take no joy in the real probability that this turmoil may become a permanent aspect of American life. Divided government may prove to be an exclamation point on how we face the future, always blaming and vilifying those on the other side of our split screen, left and right.


Bette Mason, Corona del Mar


To the editor: I listened to President Trump’s morning-after news conference. I (foolishly) expected him to be presidential and say something about how the battles are over and now it’s time for the two parties to join and (finally) work to bring some progress to the nation.

Instead, he talked about how well his side did and how those Republicans who lost their races did so because they “didn’t want my embrace.” There were his usual comparisons to how his numbers of wins and losses were better than President Obama’s.


I am so fed up with his egotism. Despite our country being a two-party system, his job is to be the president of us all. He simply refuses that mandate.

Shelley Pogorelsky, Rolling Hills Estates


To the editor: Trump won the Senate. He will have them rubber-stamp his bad acts.

He will effectively disenfranchise the House. He will campaign on our dime for the next two years. He will be reelected because his supporters are too invested in his con.


The Democrats’ new campaign: What have we done to expose the con, the greed and the perfidy?

Sheridan West, Sherman Oaks

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