
Opinion: More fodder for UC bashers

UC Board of Regents Chairwoman Monica Lozano, left, discusses an audit on the office of UC President Janet Napolitano, second from left, at a joint legislative hearing. At far right is state Auditor Elaine Howle.
(Rich Pedroncelli / Associated Press)
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To the editor: It took too long for State Auditor Elaine Howle to say that she found “nothing nefarious” in her examination of University of California President Janet Napolitano’s budgeting practices. (“State auditor urges UC regents to boost oversight of budget but says audit found nothing ‘nefarious,’” May 18)

She did real damage to the UC system, one of California’s crown jewels, by allowing the language and tone of her audit to be used by hostile legislators to take cheap political shots based on misleading language.

It is time that the governor and the Legislature begin to provide the UC system with the support it needs and, when constructive criticism is in order, for it to be provided in a manner that does not give the public the inaccurate impression that, in fact, something “nefarious” had occurred.


Mel Levine, Pacific Palisades

The writer is a former Democratic member of Congress and the state Assembly.

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