
Letters to the Editor: ‘Disingenuousness derby billed as a presidential election campaign’

Democratic presidential candidates take the stage at Loyola Marymount University in Los Angeles before their Dec. 19 debate.
(Los Angeles Times)

To the editor: Last week marked the beginning of a disingenuousness derby billed as a presidential election campaign. (“Californians will soon have to decide: Do they care more about ousting Trump or the issues?” Feb. 6)

Republicans more and more will fear, but won’t publicly concede, that keeping President Trump in office provides short-term partisan benefits while gravely imperiling our democracy’s long-term viability. So, the GOP will privately welcome foreign trolls’ efforts to sabotage the chances of a Democratic victory in November but will publicly denounce them.

The Democrats will be no less disingenuous. Even as they tout the electability of whichever nominee emerges from their bevy of politically experienced candidates, they will privately grant that a billionaire businessman may be best positioned to take on the billionaire incumbent.


Nothing like a leap-year February to view American exceptionalism in full bloom.

Christine Hagel, Orcutt, Calif.


To the editor: “I dwell in possibility,” Emily Dickinson once wrote.

We now dwell in possibility of electing a president who wants to craft a comprehensive immigration law, wants to rejoin the Paris climate accord, believes in healthcare for everyone and wants to bring people together. Most all of the Democratic candidates espouse these beliefs.

Let us dwell in the possibility that things could be so much better for our country.

Claire Marmion, Long Beach
