
Letters to the Editor: White House goes full Orwellian on Russian bounty offer to kill U.S. troops

Trump and Putin talking
President Trump speaks with Russian President Vladimir Putin in Hamburg, Germany, in July 2017.
(Evan Vucci / Associated Press)
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To the editor: So, U.S. intelligence agencies gathered yet more evidence that Russia intended to harm our country, this time by reportedly offering bounties to militants for killing Americans in Afghanistan. By now we all know the drill at the White House:

Denounce the report as fake news. Deny that the president or the vice president had been briefed on it. Downplay its findings. Have the president’s propagandists concoct an exculpatory briefing for delivery by a glib press secretary. Dispatch her to disingenuously dissemble and dodge questions at a hastily convened news conference.

Finally, denounce, demote or discharge whoever was responsible for preparing the intelligence briefing. Ensure that all the involved agencies’ employees are discouraged from documenting facts that contravene Trump’s contrived realities.


All in a day’s work at history’s most Orwellian White House.

Sandra Perez, Santa Maria


To the editor: U.S. intelligence agencies claim to have warned our government that Russia offered bounties for killing Americans in Afghanistan. Trump claims never to having been so advised.

This prompted many to ask, “Why wasn’t he told?” Instead, what everyone should be asking is, “Why should we believe a denial by an inveterate liar who for years, even before his presidency, did not hesitate to abandon the truth when it conflicted with his self-interest?”


This thinking is supported by Trump’s obsequious relationship to Russian President Vladimir Putin. After all, if he had recognized the wrongfulness of this conduct, he would not have called for Russia to be readmitted to the G-7.

So I ask again, why believe his denial?

Rick Dunn, San Diego


To the editor: Trump claims he wasn’t told about the Russian bounty information.

Really? This has gone way too far.

This man demanded to speak at the commencement ceremony at West Point and now, it turns out, he probably ignored reports that American soldiers in Afghanistan were targeted and rewards were paid for killing them.


It’s time for the Los Angeles Times to call for the immediate resignation of this president.

Peter Marquard, Northridge
