
Letters to the Editor: To really ‘fix’ immigration, we need to make unpopular choices

DACA supporters rally outside the U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement building in Phoenix.
(Associated Press)
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To the editor: The word “fix” is used in the print headline for the immigration reform op-ed article by Karthick Ramakrishnan and Allan Colbern, implying a solution to the problem.

However, none of the proposals by the authors, including a bill to grant legalization and eventually citizenship to so-called Dreamers, will fix our (illegal) immigration problem. In fact, these “fixes” will exacerbate the problem by providing an incentive for people to immigrate to the United States.

Some possible but apparently unpopular fixes might be a severe penalty for employers who hire undocumented immigrants and a swift return of such immigrants to their country of origin. Long-term solutions might include tax incentives for U.S. companies that invest in foreign countries and hire workers who would otherwise come here.


At some point, hard choices need to be made that address the core issues instead of providing more Band-Aids.

Jill Watkins, Laguna Beach


To the editor: Ramakrishnan and Colbern make a compelling argument for incremental approaches to working for immigrant rights and legalization.


In support of the Dream Act by Sens. Dick Durbin (D-Ill.) and Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.), a hopeful duo, the authors point out the failures of the ambitious “comprehensive immigration reform” legislation in the past 15 years.

It’s time for Congress to be realistic and provide the path to citizenship for Dreamers who support our economy by working and whose hopes have been deferred for too long.

Lenore Navarro Dowling, Los Angeles



To the editor: We shouldn’t be thinking about another amnesty bill for undocumented immigrants until we turn off the jobs magnet that encourages people to enter this country illegally.

Ramakrishnan and Colbern must understand that what they are proposing will only create another wave of Dreamers unless it is accompanied by meaningful deterrence. At the moment, the most powerful tool we have to accomplish this is the E-Verify program that must be made mandatory for all employers.

Jose Hernandez, Azusa
