
Letters to the Editor: Kevin Faulconer voted for Trump. He was also a poor mayor of San Diego

A man in front of a podium with microphones
Former San Diego Mayor Kevin Faulconer campaigns for governor in Huntington Beach in April.
(Los Angeles Times)
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To the editor: Columnist George Skelton says that Republican gubernatorial candidate Kevin Faulconer should repent for voting for President Trump if he wants to replace Gov. Gavin Newsom.

True, but more to the point regarding his own ability to govern, he should repent the fact that he mismanaged major real estate transactions when he was mayor of San Diego.

Think of what was then known as Qualcomm Stadium and the lease-to-own deal for the former Sempra building in downtown San Diego as two such examples. The Sempra building, which has been found to have multiple safety problems, continues to cost taxpayers even though it remains vacant.


Does anyone want this man in a position to waste the state’s current budgetary surplus ?

Edward Anderson, San Diego


To the editor: Skelton believes that a “little serious repentance on Trump would help” Faulconer, but he misses the point.

Those of us concerned about protecting democracy and our voting rights know the recall effort is part of Trump-inspired shenanigans in other states to suppress the will of voters. Newsom easily won election in 2018 with 62% of the vote. Now Republicans want to ignore the will of the people and overturn an election through a spurious recall.


Faulconer voted for the ex-president last November and still says “it was the right choice,” even after Trump supporters tried to overturn the election at the U.S. Capitol on Jan. 6. Those of us concerned about protecting our democracy and our rights as voters must reject this attempt to recall Newsom.

Cynthia Flannery, Santa Cruz
