
Letters to the Editor: Why did a Long Beach school officer shoot at a fleeing car?

Outside a Long Beach school, a uniformed man, standing near a school safety vehicle, talks with a woman.
A Long Beach Unified School District officer outside Robert A. Millikan High School on Sept. 29.
(Los Angeles Times)
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To the editor: A Long Beach school safety officer shot a young woman as she left the scene by car after a fight a block from the campus. The 18-year-old woman, who police said was involved in a fight with a 15-year-old girl, has been on life support for days but will soon be taken off.

What, exactly, did the officer think would be accomplished by shooting at the car?

As far as I know, fighting is not a capital offense, and shooting at a moving vehicle is usually not accepted practice for a police officer, as uninvolved persons may be injured.

Dean Blau, Lake Balboa



To the editor: In your first article on the shooting of an 18-year-old woman by a school safety officer, you quoted the Long Beach Unified School District as saying, “The school safety officer discharged their duty weapon, and an individual was stuck by gunfire.”

Who wrote this, George Orwell? It is as if there is no connection at all between the “discharge of the weapon” and the women being shot.

This is not merely abysmal language. It smacks of an organization that is already ducking and does not want to hold the “safety” officer accountable.


The woman shot was fleeing the scene of an altercation in a car — and she was in the passenger seat, no less. This has the aroma of trigger-happy to me. So now my interest is piqued and my suspicions are aroused.

Frank Kosa, Santa Monica


To the editor: Consider the proposition that “the good guy with a gun” can be a poorly trained, excitable individual who shoots without thinking.


Please take guns away from school officers for the safety of our communities.

Joan DaVanzo, Long Beach
