
Trump chooses former campaign rival Rick Perry to head Energy Department

Rick Perry served two terms as Texas Commissioner of Agriculture and three terms in the Texas House of Representatives before becoming the governor of Texas.

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President-elect Donald Trump has announced his selection of former campaign rival Rick Perry to be the country’s next secretary of Energy.

In a statement early Wednesday, Trump said Perry, a former governor of Texas, had led his state through “a sustained period of economic growth and prosperity” by developing its energy resources and infrastructure.

Trump said in his statement that his administration “is going to make sure we take advantage of our huge natural resource deposits to make America energy independent and create vast new wealth for our nation.”


Perry called it “a tremendous honor” to be chosen for Trump’s Cabinet and added that he looked forward to “engaging in a conversation” about America’s energy future.

The Times will update this article.

Rick Perry has never seen eye to eye with California. That’s unlikely to change if he becomes energy secretary »



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