
Obama campaign discloses bundlers who helped fuel massive haul

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Washington Bureau

In raising a staggering $86 million in the last three months, President Obama’s reelection campaign got a substantial boost from a network of well-connected friends.

The campaign revealed at least 240 “volunteer fundraisers” -- more commonly known as “bundlers,” well-connected surrogates who collect funds on behalf of a candidate -- in a list posted Friday on the campaign’s website.

Of those, 27 bundlers have each raised at least $500,000. The top fundraisers include Vogue editor Anna Wintour, Hollywood producer Jeffrey Katzenberg and Jon Corzine, former New Jersey governor.


Also on the list: Hollywood power agent Ari Emanuel (brother of former White House Chief of Staff Rahm Emanuel) raised between $50,000 and $100,000, and Penny Pritzker, finance chair of Obama’s 2008 campaign, pulled in between $100,000 and $200,000.

Bundlers played a crucial role in the last presidential cycle. According to the Center of Responsive Politics, 560 bundlers raised at least $76,500,000 for the Obama campaign.

This cycle, elite fundraisers will likely take on additional responsibilities. iWatch News reports that at least two of the top bundlers -- Katzenberg and New Jersey financier Orin Kramer --are also working to raise money for Priorities USA and Priorities USA Action, two outside groups founded by former White House aides that can solicit unlimited donations.
