
Comcast executive hosts Obama fundraiser in June

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The fundraising merry-go-round stops briefly in Philadelphia on June 30, with President Obama showcasing a high-dollar dinner at the home of Comcast executive David L. Cohen.

A copy of the invitation shows that guests have several options for attending what is billed as a “reelection campaign inaugural dinner & photo reception.”

By donating $71,600 per couple or raising $100,000, a guest is identified as an “event chair,” a status that comes with something called a “VIP clutch.”


An “event host” must give $35,800 or raise $50,000. That comes with “premium dinner seating,” the invitation shows.

For a $10,000 donation, a guest gets dinner and a photo with Obama.

Contributions go to the Obama Victory Fund 2012, whose proceeds are divided between the Obama campaign and the Democratic National Committee.

In an email to a group of Obama supporters, Andrew Wright, a senior consultant for the Obama for America campaign, wrote:


“For those of you who joined us this past Tuesday at [Comcast Corp. Executive Vice President] David Cohen’s office for our first host committee meeting and for those who could not join us, but are committed to the event, thank you for your commitment to THE Presidential campaign fundraiser of the cycle in Philadelphia on June 30th!”

Thanks largely to the president’s fundraising power, the Democratic National Committee announced Friday that it had raised $12.4 million during the month of April, more than double what Republicans brought in during the same period.
