
Time for Surf City artists to shine at annual exhibition

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A year ago, the Huntington Beach Artist Council was formed in an effort to keep the city’s art scene alive.

It aims to educate the public about the artists who live and work in the city and let them “be heard,” according to member Terri Louise.

The council is presenting its second annual exhibition, featuring 78 Surf City artists, through Dec. 19 at the Huntington Beach Art Center. The works include paintings, photographs and sculptures.


Throughout the year, the works of other artists are shown, but this is the one occasion where Huntington Beach residents are the stars.

“It’s a group of Huntington Beach artists who have come together to improve the voice of the Huntington Beach Arts Center and make a contribution to the city and unite,” said Louise, a 19-year resident of the city.

The council — with well over 100 members — holds regular group meetings and classes, allowing the artists to socialize with people of similar interests.


“It’s amazing how much talent there is in Huntington Beach, and it’s so great to know that we can visit each other and call on each other for support,” she said.

The current show features 147 works. Each participating artist had the chance to showcase up to two pieces, Louise said.

“It’s a very diverse show,” said programs chairman Thom Wright, a resident for 39 years who has abstract paintings of distressed trees on display in the show. “There is no particular subject matter or approach. We look to this particular show as being the most important show of the year because our work is featured, so we try to get our best work in.”


Louise said the group has grown not only in size but also in scope.

When it started, she was the only sculptor in the group, but now the Artist Council features about a half dozen artists who create sculptures, a medium that she fears is dwindling in other arts cities.

“I’m really happy to see that sculpture is not dying or dead,” said Louise, who has a sculpture of a horse and an abstract painting in the show. “In Laguna Beach, many galleries are taking their sculptures out because they do not sell.”

Following her background in music, her abstract painting, titled “Find Your Happy Thought,” was “composed” while listening to the opera “The Marriage of Figaro.”

The piece features bright colors in swirls that symbolize musical notes.

Rett Yarnell’s pieces include an abstract painting and a sepia-toned — not Photoshopped — digital photo of a woman wearing a horse mask at Huntington Dog Beach.

Pat Naulty’s work is more straightforward — and personal.

One piece shows her brother’s grandson eagerly waiting at the front door with his dog for his father to come home. Details, like a bent knee, display the child’s anticipation.

“None of my family lives in California,” said Naulty, a resident of Huntington Beach for 30 years. “I’m alone here. My family is in Ohio. When I started doing this, it just brought my whole family into my home. It’s reflective of my love and security. I hope it evokes some kind of expression.”




What: Huntington Beach Artist Council’s second annual exhibition

Where: Huntington Beach Art Center, 538 Main St.

When: Varying hours Tuesdays through Saturdays, until Dec. 19

Cost: Donations accepted

