
Letters: Enough of the star-spangled banter?

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Last time I checked, there is no law that the national anthem be played prior to any sporting event in this country. In order to eliminate the political rhetoric that has poisoned our NFL weekends, why not just temporarily eliminate this pregame ritual and give those involved a different platform to express their personal views? This will allow all of us to get back to the basics — football will be printed on the sports page, while politics will once again have its rightful place on the front page.

Larry Herrera

Redondo Beach


Enough already with the phony patriotism and the national anthem at NFL games. The U.S. Flag Code says that “all present should stand at attention facing the flag.” I have seen plenty of television coverage of football players standing, sitting and kneeling. I’ve also seen footage of camera operators filming those players. Why is it that nobody makes a fuss over the camera operators not standing at attention and facing the flag? And how many hundreds if not thousands of other people at the stadiums aren’t adhering to the letter of the Flag Code? Perhaps all of those people should be fined, or thrown out of the stadiums, or, as one temporary resident of Washington has suggested, be deported.

Brian Lipson

Beverly Hills


Bill Plaschke should be elected to the Supreme Court because he will clearly bring an efficiency factor. He has the ability to pass judgment based on limited facts and mind-reading. He clearly knows that all NFL executives and owners approved the new NFL anthem policy simply because “they owe it to their wallets.” Obviously, he knows exactly what every one of them are thinking and it is not remotely possible that any of them actually believe that standing up for the anthem is the right thing to do.


Nick Judge



A “decent compromise”? Really? What would Bill Plaschke call it if women athletes took a knee during the anthem to protest sexual harassment and assault, and their team owners or leagues told them they had no right to that exercise of their 1st Amendment right?

Marcy Rothenberg

Porter Ranch


Wow, Bill Plaschke. You think the NFL decision to restrict the personal action of players is a “compromise.” That’s like calling unwarranted police violence against blacks a compromise for cops who want to maintain control. Where exactly is the give and take?

To support owners who routinely treat their employees as chattel brings to mind a conversation I had last season on the subject of players kneeling during the anthem. I facetiously commented to a (former) friend: “So as long as they’re getting paid, those boys should just stay in their place and do what they’re told.” His one-word response, “Yes,” succinctly illustrated the point that Plaschke, Goodell, and NFL owners still don’t understand.


Ron Mossler


The Doc is in

Dwane Casey wins coach of the year and gets fired. Doc Rivers, as usual, wins nothing and gets a lucrative contract extension.

Steve Ballmer must be talking to Magic Johnson, another successful businessman who shouldn’t be running a basketball team.


Gary H. Miller



When will the Clippers stop waiting for Doc Rivers to fix their problems and realize he’s one of the problems?

Rob Osborne

Manhattan Beach  

Early to rise

Hey, Dodgers fans, there is a reason baseball seasons are 162 games long. It is an absurd notion that the same players and front office that came within one game of winning the World Series last year are suddenly now incompetent. Chill out and let the next five months of baseball play out before you give up on this team.

William David Stone

Beverly Hills


I just finished reading all 14 negative letters in last week’s sports section regarding the Dodgers’ abysmal performance this season. Loosen up, guys and gal. The Dodgers’ season is guaranteed to turn around now that Bill Plaschke has officially thrown the team under the proverbial bus for 2018.

Eddie Dawes

Hacienda Heights


I don’t know what Rich Hill uses as his walk-up song, but if it’s not Dire Straits’ “Money For Nothing,” it should be.

Kristin Peace

Los Angeles


The Dodgers have a new stopper. It’s Pedro Baez. When the Dodgers have a winning streak, all the Dodgers have to do is bring in Baez. Guaranteed, he’ll stop the streak. 


Paul Kessler

Century City


Perhaps Kenley Jansen was speaking for the entire team in spring training when he uttered what has become their rallying cry, “Who cares?”

Philip Miller


On the road again

If the Angels could play their entire 162-game schedule away from Anaheim, they would be serious playoff contenders.

Dean Connor


Always prepared

Kudos to Mike DiGiovanna for his article on UC Irvine baseball coach Mike Gillespie. I had the opportunity to officiate more than 150 games during Coach Gillespie’s career from community college through Division I. To say it was an experience would be an understatement. If you were to ask college umpires during that period who was the toughest coach to work for, the majority I believe would say Mike Gillespie. He was always prepared and focused for every occasion and had the same expectation for officials.

Dick Flaherty


Funny Ball


I totally disagree with your headline, “Ball not juiced during 2017 HR surge.”

How else to explain LaVar’s behavior?

Allan Kandel

Los Angeles


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