
Former NFL coach Jim Mora is back with another hilarious soundbite. Only this one is NSFW

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Jim Mora is the reason so many of us scrunch up our faces and raise our voices several octaves whenever we say the word “playoffs.”

And now the former coach of the New Orleans Saints and Indianapolis Colts (and father of the UCLA coach who shares his name) has provided us with another memorable soundbite — only this time with a word that can’t be published here.

Mora and fellow broadcasters Fletcher Mackel and Sharief Ishaq were live in Minnesota to cover the Saints-Vikings game Monday night for New Orleans TV station WDSU. While throwing the broadcast out to that crew, news anchor Scott Walker joked, “The later it gets, the less patient Coach gets with Fletcher and Sharief.”


Ishaq then repeated what Walker said. Not realizing they were on the air, Mora said , “Tell Scott he’s full of … .”

Mackel’s reaction is priceless. He covers Mora’s mic with his hand and reassures everyone several times, “It’s OK” — even though he clearly is a bit flustered.

Mora’s reaction is excellent as well. After being informed of his gaffe, the veteran broadcaster throws back his head and laughs. Now that’s a guy who knows a good soundbite.


Twitter: @chewkiii
