
Wrestlemania 32 results: Roman Reigns defeats HHH; The Undertaker defeats Shane McMahon

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WrestleMania 32 is in Dallas is today and features two of the most anticipated matches in recent history, Shane McMahon vs. Undertaker in a Hell in a Cell match. If McMahon wins, he gets control of Monday Night Raw and Undertaker will never be able to wrestle at WrestleMania again.

The other anticipated match is HHH against Roman Reigns for the heavyweight championship. Will this be the day they finally turn Reigns heel, since most fans can’t stand him? Stay here for all the results as they happen today.

Kalisto (champion) vs. Ryback, United States championship


Kalisto pinned Ryback after hitting the Salida del Sol. Ryback dominated most of the match, which was a lot slower than you would think for a Kalisto match. cored the pin with a drop toe hold into the exposed turnbuckle and then the Salida del Sol Ryback took most of the match doing power spots. It felt more like a dark match, It was a basic match. Kalisto didn’t do any dives and Ryback did mostly basic power stuff in a slower paced match. Everything they did was fine. The stadium was pretty empty because there were problems getting people into the building.

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Team Total Divas: Brie Bella, Eva Marie, Paige, Natalya, and Alicia Fox vs. Team BAD and Blonde: Naomi, Tamina, Lana, Summer Rae, and Emma in a 10-Diva tag match


Team Total Divas won when Brie used the Yes lock on Naomi. Nikki Bella, still recovering from major neck surgery, came out after the match to celebrate with her sister and the winning team. Most of the match was spent with the women hitting their finishing maneuvers on each other. Eva Marie was pretty much booed out of the building, because fans don’t like the push she is receiving. She wasn’t too bad in the ring though.

Lita came into the ring and made a long overdue announcement. The women will no longer compete for the Divas championship, they will compete for the WWE women’s title. It’s high time they stopped calling their women Divas and started presenting them as serious competitors and not just eye candy.

The Usos (Jimmy Uso and Jey Uso) vs. The Dudley Boyz (Bubba Ray Dudley and D-Von Dudley)


The Usos won by pinfall after Jey superkicked D-Von. After the match, the Dudleyz blindsided the Usos, then went and grabbed two tables from under the ring. However, the Usos recovered, knocked the Dudleyz down with superkicks, put them on the tables and did stereo splashes off the top rope to put the Dudleys through the tables.

That’s it for the pre-show. WrestleMania starts for real at 4 p.m. PDT.

Fifth Harmony kicks things off with a beautiful version of America the Beautiful. This would have been a great time for Michael Hayes to come out and sing Badstreet.

Intercontinetal title ladder match: Kevin Owens (champion) vs. The Miz vs. Dolph Ziggler vs. Sami Zayn vs. Zack Ryder vs. Sin Cara vs. Stardust

An amazing match. Some highlights: Zayn diving through a ladder, between the top and middle ropes and taking out five competitors at ringside. Then he got up, dove from the floor, through the corner of the ring and hit Kevin Owens with a DDT. Sin Cara was pushed off a ladder, but used the top rope as a springboard to splash four guys at ringside. Owens did a frogsplash onto Zayn, who was laying on a ladder propped up against the bottom rope. Ryder dropped an elbow from the top of a ladder onto The Miz, who was laying in the ring. Owens power bombed Ziggler off the middle of a ladder. Sin Cara did a splash from the top of a ladder set up in the ring, and landed on Stardust, who was laying on a ladder propped between the ring and the ringside barrier.

The match ended when The Miz raced to the top of the ladder, but started gloating before grabbing the belt. Ryder raced up, knocked Miz off the ladder and grabbed the belt for the victory and the Intercontinental championship. So, the least likely person to win ended up winning.

Chris Jericho vs. AJ Styles


Another good match. Jericho reversed a calf crusher and Styles kicked out of a codebreaker. Jericho escaped one Styles Clash and kicked out after Styles hit a second attempt. Jericho kicked out after Styles hit a springboard 450 moonsault. Jericho won after he turned Styles’ phenomenal forearm attempt into a codebreaker. Another surprising outcome to a match.

The New Day vs. the League of Nations

League of Nations won after Sheamus hit the Brogue Kick on Xavier Woods.

Wade Barrett then grabbed a microphone and said that they are better than any three men in WWE. That brought out Shawn Michaels, Mick Foley and Stone Cold Steve Austin. As the crowd went crazy, the three came to the ring and destroyed the League of Nations, with all three men hitting their finishing maneuver. New Day then came into the ring and tried to get them to dance. Michaels and Foley started dancing, but Austin decided to give a Stone Cold Stunner to Woods. Michaels, Foley and Austin then had some beers as the crowd cheered. A really good WrestleMania moment.

Brock Lesnar vs. Dean Ambrose, street fight

Both of these guys are going to be really sore tomorrow. Lesnar hit 13 suplexes on Ambrose, who must have hit Lesnar a dozen times on the chest and back with a kendo stick. Ambrose hit Lesnar with a fire extinguisher and a DDT on a chair. Finish came when Lesnar ducked the barbed wire baseball bat and hit an F5 on a chair.

Charlotte (champion) vs. Becky Lynch vs. Sasha Banks for the women’s title


Charlotte retained when Lynch tapped out to the Figure 8. Banks tried to get in the ring to break it up, but Ric Flair grabbed her legs and stopped her. Great match, showing why they should not be referred to as Divas. Crowd popped big when Charlotte hit both with a moonsault off the top rope and when Lynch hit Ric Flair with a tope.

Shane McMahon vs. Undertaker, Hell in a Cell

I’m surprised this isnt closing the show. They must have something big planned for HHH vs. Reigns.

Undertaker won with a Tombstone piledriver. But the big move was Shane leaping off the top of the cage onto Undertaker, who was draped across the announce table. Undertaker moved, and Shane crashed through the table and hit the floor. And it didn’t look like there was any padding to break his fall. Shane was carted off on a stretcher. I was hoping for some sort of acknowledgement from Undertaker that Shane earned some respect. Other than that, the match was good, better than I expected it to be. I cant imagine what Shane’s wife and kids were thinking while watching their husband and father drop 20 feet to the arena floor. It’s worth subscribing to the WWE network just to see this match.

Andre the Giant memorial battle royal

Shaquille O’Neal was a surprise entrant. He and Big Show squared off and tried to choke slam each other, but the other competitors swarmed them and dumped them both out. Other surprise entrants: DDP and Tatanka.


It was your typical battle royal that ended when Baron Corbin from NXT eliminated Kane.

The Rock came out for his segment and announced that there were 101,763 were in attendance, which is probably an inflated figure, but there are certainly a lot of people in the building. While doing his usual shtick, Rock was interrupted by the Wyatt Family. They all got on the apron. Rock took off his shirt and his pants, showing he was wearing his wrestling trunks. The crowd went crazy as the bell rang, and The Rock pinned Erick Rowan in seven seconds. The rest of the Wyatt Family entered the ring and surrounded the Rock. John Cena came out, and he and The Rock cleared house.

Triple H (champion) vs. Roman Reigns for the WWE heavyweight championship

Very slow-paced, methodical match. Hunter worked over the left arm and tried to get Reigns to tap out, but Reigns kept powering out.

Ending came when Stephanie McMahon entered the ring to complain to the ref. Hunter walked over and moved to avoid a spear from Reigns, who hit Stephanie with it by accident. She sold it like she was unconscious. Hunter hit a pedigree, but Reigns kicked out just before the three count. Reigns hit a Superman punch, but Hunter stopped the spear with a high knee. Hunter rolled to the ring apron, where a recovering Stephanie handed him a sledgehammer. Reigns avoided it, hit the spear, and got the pin. The crowd booed the finish.

They should have ended the show with the Undertaker-Shane McMahon match, but overall, this was a pretty good WrestleMania.



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