
High on holiday wish lists: More real-time flight alerts from airports

Travelers want more alerts from airports about flight status, airport security waiting times and weather at their destination, a survey says.
(Al Seib / Los Angeles Times)
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Airports, listen up: Travelers want real-time information on flights and security wait times -- and they expect push alerts on mobile devices.

These are some of the findings of a recent FlightView survey of more than 2,000 travelers.

Most said they want updates on flight status (84%) and airport security wait times (79%); others asked for alerts on airport traffic delays (48%) and weather at their destination (38%).


“Day-of-travel information has largely fallen on airlines and third-party providers,” FlightView, which disperses info on flights and airport delays, said in a statement.

But that’s shifting now as travelers see airports as providers of this key information, the survey said.

Travelers cited the expedited airport security process TSA PreCheck as the biggest improvement to the airport experience. Other top technologies that travelers want more of include:


--Automatic flight check-in

--Automated border-control technology

--Passport scanners for international travel

--Self-tagging baggage stations.

Two possibilities for airports of the future: tracking travelers through their mobile devices to push alerts to them and technology that allows travelers to self-board at the gate.
