
Travel letters: This family remembers one of its favorite things

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Re: The “Sound of Music” article about Salzburg, Austria, by Andrew Bender, July 8: In 2009 our family of five enjoyed a “Sound of Music” tour in Salzburg. At one point, the door to our small tour bus jammed, leading my husband to dub us “the van Trapped family.”

Thanks for rekindling a great memory!

Anne Riffenburgh

South Pasadena

Private air travel with cannabis

The article on cannabis fails to mention the fact that private air travel — an air taxi or private air charter — legally circumvents contact with the Transportation Security Administration [“Don’t Pack Cannabis,” On the Spot, by Catharine Hamm, July 8].

This presents a safe alternative, especially for those who must have their medication with them.


Alto Airlines is about to launch affordable air taxi service, initially within the Southwestern states.

Paul Yalnezian


Alto Airlines

Take the train to Flagstaff

Re: “Moonwalk on Over,” by Melinda Fulmer, July 1: There’s an overnight train to Flagstaff, Ariz., that leaves daily from Union Station. Best way to get there by far.

Paul Dyson


hed here

The On the Spot article on fall color missed the Mogollon Rim of Arizona, above Payson and Strawberry [“Watch Fall Colors in Arizona,” On the Spot, by Catharine Hamm, July 1].. For more on the fall colors of the Coconino National Forest, go to


George F. Jozens

Deputy Public Affairs Officer

Coconino National Forest

Flagstaff, Ariz.

