
Video: Why the Titanic won’t go away

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Los Angeles Times staff writer

The grave-digger says it’s all about the movie. The farmers’ market manager says it’s about technology. And the model-ship-builder is sure it’s really about people.

The people in this three-minute video are talking, of course, about the Titanic and our chronic, sometimes creepy fascination with it. And they’re all Haligonians.

That is, they’re all in Halifax, Nova Scotia, the port city whose seamen collected floating corpses and detritus after the Titanic went down. Hence the 150 Titanic victims buried in Halifax and the big display in the Maritime Museum of the Atlantic on Lower Water Street. And hence, perhaps, these strong words.


We have much more on the Titanic coming, including three stories and two more videos that look closely at Titanic legacies in Halifax and New York. But for now, here’s the debate, along with some close-ups of Titanic models in the Maritime Museum and Titanic graves in Halifax’s Fairview Lawn Cemetery.
