
From the Archives: 1967 Monterey Park car bombing

A photo, circa September 1967, in the Los Angeles Times shows the remains of a bombed car on Atlantic Boulevard near Cadiz Street.
(John Malmin / Los Angeles Times)

A late-1960s story in the Los Angeles Times showed the alarming remains of a car bombing in Monterey Park.

The article, which ran Sept. 19, 1967, said a “time bomb” had exploded, critically wounding residents Joseph Detherage, 35, and Cecilia Chagolla Attanasio, 20.

The article said: “A time bomb filled with high explosive blew up the car of a Monterey Park service station manager who was accompanied by his girlfriend as they drove to work Monday morning.”

The story said the pair were thrown from the car at the intersection of Atlantic Boulevard and Cadiz Street “as their flaming northbound vehicle hurtled forward after the explosion, finally coming to rest 590 feet from the point of the blast.”

See more from the Los Angeles Times archives here
